Saturday, July 25, 2009

MTS Kettlebell Bootcamp

Beginning on September 1st, Simply Kettlebells and Martino Training Systems will team up to offer a Kettlebell Bootcamp. The only kettlebell bootcamp in Southwest Missouri instructed by an RKC Certified Kettlebell Instructor.

The bootcamp will meet every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 6:30 - 7:15am. The bootcamp standard is show up, get beat down, leave, be sore for 2-3 days. We will not only provide a workout that will get your attention, but you will learn the skills of using a kettlebell safely and more importantly effectively. It will be brutaly simple - you will truly be amazed at how one tool and a limited number of exercises will give you the results you are looking for.

What should you expect when you enroll in the MTS Kettlebell Workshop?
• Dramatically increase your endurance and be amazed at how rapidly your weight loss goals are met
• Accelerate your progress by training your entire body to work as a single, powerful unit, not a disconnected collection of body parts
• Develop amazing full body conditioning
• Discover how training movements instead of muscles will burn more calories and put you on the fast track to a lean, strong body
• Tighten your waist and strengthen your core with variations of exercises like the Swing, Turkish get-up and the Goblet Squat.

If you are ready to get in AMAZING SHAPE and have FUN while doing it, sign up now. Enroll early, class size is limited.

To Enroll, send me an email at: to start the process.

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